Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences: Announcements <p><strong style="font-size: 24px;">J</strong>ournal of Forensic Dental Sciences (JFDS) is the official publication of the Indian Association of Forensic Odontology and is published as 3 Issues per annum. JFDS publishes scientific papers on well designed and controlled original research, review artilces and case presentations involving Forensic Odontology, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Science, Criminology and Medicolegal issues. </p> <p><strong>Publisher(s) :</strong> Indian Association of Forensic Odontology (IAFO)<br /><strong>Print Edition ISSN :</strong> 0975-1475<br /><strong>Online Edition ISSN :</strong> 0975-2137<br /><strong>Frequency :</strong> Triannual</p> en-US